We reviewed the prime guild of channeler today in our staff meeting. I am pleased to present you with a preview of the fourth revision of the channeler prime guild. Drop a mail in game with your comments!
Channeling Abilities
- channeling (1) enables the channeler to have a channeling pool and grants bonuses when energy would be transferred into it
- soul link (3) connects a channeler to a target
- energy dart (4) deals 150 damage to a single target based on the world and adds 13 energy to the channeling pool
- stoke the ancient feud (8) deals 150 holy damage, 150 unholy damage, and adds 13 energy to the channeling pool
- spirit dart (12) deals 500 harm damage to a target and adds 26 energy to the channeling pool
- water aspect affinity (13) allows spirit dart to swap in electric or cold damage at a rate equal to training
- earth aspect affinity (13) allows spirit dart to swap in disintegration or poison damage at a rate equal to training
- fire aspect affinity (14) allows spirit dart to swap in fire or acid damage at a rate equal to training
- wind aspect affinity (14) allows spirit dart to swap in illusion or asphyxiation damage at a rate equal to training
- howling void (17) deals 300 sonic, 150 psionic to a single target and 200 sonic, 100 psionic to the rest of the enemy group and adds 26 energy to the channeling pool
- spirit fury (18) causes channeled attack spells that have a target to apply a damage debuff stackable with sensitize and phobia spells
- unleash hungry ghosts (19) deals 200 damage to a target and slows their attack speed
- covenant of the lost (20) deals 400 harm damage to a group and adds 26 energy to the channeling pool
Ki Abilities
- lesser ki strike (1) deals 50 harm damage to a target
- ki wave (8) deals 125 damage to a group
- ki strike (9) deals 400 damage to a target
- ki shield (16) when active uses ki energy to reduce damage taken
Resistance Abilities
- ironskin (2) grants 20 pv
- stoneskin (2) grants 40 pv
- solidity (6) seals form against change
- shield of protection (6) 60 pv
- blurred image (8) 80 pv
- displacement (10) 100 pv
- antidrain (10) protects against draining magic
- shadow armor (12) 120 pv
- airsteel (14) 140 pv
- earth ki strength (15) grants a target player 25% resistance to disintegration and poison. Add 2 energy to the channeling pool each round one of those damage types is prevented.
- water ki strength (15) grants a target player 25% resistance to cold and electric. Add 2 energy to the channeling pool each round one of those damage types is prevented.
- iron will (16) reduces the chance for being stunned in combat
- fire ki strength (16) grants a target player 25% resistance to fire and acid. Add 2 energy to the channeling pool each round one of those damage types is prevented.
- inner truth (17) grants a target player 25% unholy resistance if good aligned, 25% holy resistance if evil aligned, and 25% resistance to both if neutral. Add 2 energy to the channeling pool each round one of those damage types is prevented. Requires a soul-link.
- wind ki strength (17) grants a target player 25% resistance to illusion and asphyxiation. Add 2 energy to the channeling pool each round one of those damage types is prevented.
- soul shroud (18) grants a target player 50% harm resistance. Add 2 energy to the channeling pool each round this damage type would be prevented. Requires a soul-link.
- darkness of oz (19) grants a target player 30% sonic resistance and 20% psionic resistance. Add 2 energy to the channeling pool each round one of those damage types is prevented. Requires a soul-link.
- protection from holds (19) protects a target from physical or magical hold spells
- spirit barrier (20) group protection spell providing 10% resistance to middle row party members and 20% resistance to back row party members
- ki ghost (20) grants a target player 50% physical resistance. Add 2 energy to the channeling pool for each round the ghost prevents damage. Requires a soul link.
- shift ki flow (20) shift resistances on a target by up to 50% on any given elemental resistances with a maximum cap to start of 150% total elemental resistance shifted. If resistances would fall and shift ki flow was in effect the channeling energy pool will be checked for enough energy to extend resistances for additional time. e.g. if a player has 25% resistance to cold and fire from any source the channeler may swap them to any other elemental resists such as 50% acid instead This spell requires a soul-link.
- seal of gravity (9) prevents a target player from being summoned
- seal of escape (10) grants a shared buff to the party that, when any party moves through a field spell, will destroy that field and be consumed (interaction with party fields TBD)
- seal of protection (11) field spell that only allows party members and their pets or controlled minions enter and leave
- seal of absorption (15) requires a soul link. If the target would take 50 damage then the channeler will take 100 damage and regenerate endurance points. This only works in active combat.
- seal of regeneration (19) increases the regeneration in a room and stacks with other regeneration fields and abilities
Utility Abilities
- spirit tongue (1) allows the user to understand the speech of spirits
- see magic (2) allows the target to see magical auras
- navigation (2) determines direction to memorized locations
- mana blessing (3) save half the spell points if failing a spell
- spirit eye (3) enables the countdown to a spell's completion
- spirit gaze (4) enables a target to see invisible beings and spirits
- gather fibers (5) allows the collection of fibrous plants
- weave cloth (5) weave a bolt of cloth from fibers
- spirit spy (6) find out what a target may be asked about
- ceremony (7) increase your chance to succeed the next spell
- floating disc (7) creating a magical disc to carry items
- spirit sight (8) grants see in all light
- inscribe ofuda (9) turn a piece of cloth into a powerful component or magical spells / ranged ammuninition
- spirit sense (11) know when resistances will fall on a soul-linked target
- shadow walking (11) caster-only invisibility
- damage wards (14) see what damage types are happening on a target player
- ki casting (15) cast spells in half the time if they are in the spiritual channeling category
- ki analysis (17) view the resistances on a target enemy
- ki intensity (18) effects that would add energy to the channeling pool will now add 50% more energy
- dispel magic (18) dispel magical auras on an enemy target
- ki projection (20) grants a damage bonus to channeled single target damage spells
Combat Abilities
- attack (1) helps score hits with your right hand
- ancient (1) helps you do extra damage with an ancient class weapon
- throwing (7) determines your ability with a small throwing weapon
- targeting (9) allows you to aim a specific ranged target
- small throwing (9) proficiency with small throwing weapons
- enhance targeting (14) Helps do extra damage in ranged combat