Web Services and Necromancer Updates

Web Services


The latest change for web services is the move of RetroEQ from Kellin's personal server over to a RetroMud domain. You should not notice any substantive changes to the site - this was just a change of location.

The new URL is http://retroeq.retromud.org.

Kellin is working with a friend/developer who will help us at least get player logins re-enabled until the full re-work project kicks off later this summer. Remember - bugreps about anything related to web services should be targeted to "bug website" to get it into the proper queue.

Unified Title Bar

The title bar from RetroMud.org has been added to the Developer's Blog and RetroEQ. This should at least give some uniformity and a better user experience for everyone.

Necromancer Pet Updates

Kereth has started digging into the necromancer pet code. We made the crucial first step this week of merging it with the regular pets so that we gain all the benefits from the updates made to those over the last six months.

There's a lot more coming so hold tight and let us know if you see any issues along the way.